The Choir of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London #8206
… a formal public concert of music from the British cathedral tradition, recorded at Saint Mary’s Basilica, Minneapolis during the American Guild of Organist’s 1980 National Convention in Minnesota.
Part 1
JOHN STAINER: Anthem for Trinity Sunday, I saw the Lord
JOHN BATTISHILL: O Lord, look down from heaven
WILLIAM BYRD: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth
WILLIAM BYRD: Psalm 150, Laudibus in Sanctis
J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, S. 651
MARK BLATCHLY: Magnificat for Saint Paul’s, American premiere
PATRICK HADLEY: My beloved spake
Part 2
ANTON BRUCKNER: 2 Motets: Locus iste; Christus factus est
HERBERT HOWELLS: Like as the hart
HERBERT HOWELLS: The spotless rose
OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Outburst of Joy, from L’Ascension
HEALEY WILLAN: 3 Motets: Fair in face; Rise my love; Preserve us, O Lord
HENRY BALFOUR-GARDINER: The Evening Hymn, Te lucis ante terminum
BERNARD ROSE: Hymn to Saint Cecilia –Barry Rose, conductor and commentator; John Scott, organ (1949 Wicks/Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, MN) PD Archive (r. 06/17/1980)