1949 Wicks organ at the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1949 Wicks organ at the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Chris Stroh

The Choir of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London #8206

… a formal public concert of music from the British cathedral tradition, recorded at Saint Mary’s Basilica, Minneapolis during the American Guild of Organist’s 1980 National Convention in Minnesota.

Part 1

JOHN STAINER: Anthem for Trinity Sunday, I saw the Lord

JOHN BATTISHILL: O Lord, look down from heaven

WILLIAM BYRD: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth

WILLIAM BYRD: Psalm 150, Laudibus in Sanctis

J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, S. 651

MARK BLATCHLY: Magnificat for Saint Paul’s, American premiere

PATRICK HADLEY: My beloved spake

Part 2

ANTON BRUCKNER: 2 Motets: Locus iste; Christus factus est

HERBERT HOWELLS: Like as the hart

HERBERT HOWELLS: The spotless rose


OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Outburst of Joy, from L’Ascension

HEALEY WILLAN: 3 Motets: Fair in face; Rise my love; Preserve us, O Lord

HENRY BALFOUR-GARDINER: The Evening Hymn, Te lucis ante terminum

BERNARD ROSE: Hymn to Saint CeciliaBarry Rose, conductor and commentator; John Scott, organ (1949 Wicks/Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, MN) PD Archive (r. 06/17/1980)

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