Jean Guillou
Jean Guillou

Jean Guillou in Concert #8310

…the famed French Composer and organist of the Parisian Church of St. Eustache is heard performing on the new Detlef Kleuker organ (46-stop tracker) at the Church of Notre Dame des Graces aud Chant d'Oiseau, Brussels, and at Riverside Church in New York City (150-stops). Jean Guillou will also be heard in conversation concerning his career and compositions.

J.S. BACH: Prelude and Fugue in E-Flat, S. 552

J.S. BACH: Organ Concerto in d, S. 596 (after Vivaldi's Opus 3, no. 11)

G.F. HANDEL: Organ Concerto in g, Op. 4, no. 1 (transcription and cadenza by J. Guillou)

IGOR STRAVINSKY: 3 Movements from Petrouchka (transcription by J. Guillou)


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