1983 Lahti Festival, Part 2 #8451
…a concert of music for two organists, recorded at the Church of the Cross in Lahti, plus performances of Finnish music recorded at St. John's Church, Helsinki.
JARMO PARVIAINEN: Toccata and Fugue (1958). VAINO RAITIO: Legend. SULO SALONEN: Variations on The Sweetness of that Summer -Tauno Aikaa
JOONAS KOKKONEN: Iuxtra Crucem -Aimo Kankanen
GAETANO PIAZZA: Sonata for Two Organs. HANS HASELBÖCK: Variations on an Old German Song (Ach, du feiner Reiter) for Two Keyboards. LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN: Adagio for Organ Four Hands. MARTIN HASELBOCK: Quattro for Four Keyboards. JEAN LANGLAIS: Double Fantasy for Two Organists -Hans and Martin Haselboeck, organs, harpsichord; Tuomo Haemaelaeinen, prepared piano; Tapio Tiitu, harpsichord
Encore - ANTONIO SOLER; Double Concerto No. 1 (one movement)