A Reformation Festival #8456
…martin Luther loved music, and was determined that the Devil shouldn't have all the good tunes. The rich body of Lutheran hymns has been an inspiration to composers for centuries. Luther’s “good tunes” are heard in music by Bach, Pepping, Walcha, Reger, Sifler, Krapf, Schroeder and Langlais. These concert performances feature John Eggert and David Craighead at Jehovah Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN (1983 Van Daalen organ, 59 ranks) and John Ferguson at Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead, MN (Holtkamp organ).
PAUL SIFLER: Toccata, "A Mighty Fortress". HELMUT WALCHA: Chorale-prelude, "Dear Christians, one and all". GERHARD KRAPF: Chorale-prelude, "Dear Christians, one and all". GERHARD KRAPF: Chorale Triptych, "Lord, keep us steadfast" (premiere) John Eggert (1983 Van Daalen, 59 ranks/Jehovah Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)
J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, "Savior of the Nations, Come", S. 659. ERNST PEPPING: Chorale-prelude, "From Heaven Above". MAX REGER: Chorale-prelude, "O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright". JEAN LANGLAIS: Chorale-prelude, "O Sacred Head". Hermann Schroeder: Chorale-prelude, "To God the Holy Spirit" John Ferguson (Holtkamp/Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead, MN)
J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" Karel Paukert, organist
MAX REGER: Chorale-Fantasie, "Hallelujia Gott zu loben", Op. 52, No. 3 David Crakghead (1983 Van Daalen, 59 ranks/Jehovah Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)