Americana Revisited, Part 2 #8459
…another program featuring historic American instruments, with comments from William Van Pelt of the Organ Historical Society. These performances were recorded in Western Massachusetts during the 1983 OHS Convention.
HORATIO PARKER: Festival Prelude, Op 66, no. 1 –Rosalind Mohnson (1874 Johnson/Trinitarian Congregational Church, Gilbertville, MA)
DAVID JOHNSON: Trumpet Tune. LOUIS NICOLAS CLERAMBAULT: 4 Pieces (Grant Plein Jeu-Duo-Trio-Dalogue), fr Suite on the First Tone –Brenda Fraser (1942 Aeolian-Skinner)
FELIX MENDELSSOHN: Organ Sonata No. 2 (excerpts), from Op. 65 –Charles Page (1874 E. & G.G. Hook/1st Congregational Church, North Brookfield, MA)
CLAUDE GERVAISE: Dance Suite. FREDERICK SHACKLEY: Gavotte Pastorale. EDITH LANG: Prelude Religieux. ISAAC FLAGER: Alpine Fantasy and Storm –Earl Miller (1933 Kimball, Memorial Auditorium, Worcester, MA)
HENRY PURCELL: Hymn, Westminster Abbey –attendees of the 1983 OHS Western Massachusetts convention; Earl Miller (1878 Johnson-1957 Casavant/St. Paul’s RC Cathedral, Worcester, MA)
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Symphonic Chorale, Ach bleib mid deiner Gnade, Op. 87, No. 1 –Rosalind Mohnson (1874 Johnson/Trinitarian Congregational Church, Gilbertville, MA)
All recordings were made for the OHS by engineer Scott Kent.