Air Force Academy Organ, Colorado Springs.
Air Force Academy Organ, Colorado Springs.

James Welch in Concert #8581

…performances by the California organist, recorded on Flentrop instruments in Seattle and Palo Alto, Schoenstein organs in Los Olivos and San Francisco, and the Holtkamp/Moeller organ at the US Air Force Academy chapel.

J.S. BACH: Fantasie and Fugue in c minor

ERNST PEPPING: 3 chorale-preludes, from Kleines Orgelbuch (Sonne der Gerechtigkeit; Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein'; Freut euch, ihr Christen alle)

FELIX MENDELSSOHN: Prelude and Fugue in c minor, Op. 37

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Sursum Corda, Op. 155, No. 2


LOUIS VIERNE: Les Angelus, Op. 57 (3 songs on poems by Jehan le Povre Moyne)  -Nancy Wait, soprano

GABRIEL PIERNE: 3 pieces for organ, Op. 29 (Prelude; Cantilene; Scherzando de Concert)

HERBERT HOWELLS: Psalm-prelude, Op. 32, No. 1

MAURICE DURUFLÉ: Prelude & Fugue on the name Alain, Op. 7

Several of these selections were digitally recorded in an actual recital setting; others are from discs released by Wilson Audio Specialties.

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