1862 Cavaillé-Coll/St. Sulpice, Paris
1862 Cavaillé-Coll/St. Sulpice, Paris
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The Dupré Legacy, Part 3 #8633

…another program of archive recordings by Marcel Dupre and performances of several of his less-known compositions.

J.S. BACH: Fantasia in c, S. 562  -Marcel Dupre (1862 Cavaillé-Coll/Church of St. Sulpice, Paris/St. Sulpice, Paris, France)

J.S. BACH: Passacaglia & Fugue in c, S. 582  -Marcel Dupre (Queen's Hall, London)

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Cello & Organ Sonata in a, Op. 60  -Christopher Green, vcl; Timothy Farrell, organist (1872 Willis; 1992 Mander/St. Paul Cathedral, London, United Kingdom)(1937 Harrison/Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom)

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Scherzo, Op. 16; Annonciation, Op. 56  -Rolande Falcinelli (Cavaille-Coll organ at Dupre residence in Meudon)

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Evocation, Op. 37  Pierre Cochereau (1868 Cavaille-Coll/Cathedrale Notre Dame, Paris, France)

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