Organist Thomas Murray
Organist Thomas Murray

Performer of the Year (I) #8703

…A recital from New York City's Cathedral of St. John the Divine by prize-winning Yale University organist Thomas Murray, recipient of the 1986 International Performer of the Year Award.

JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Sonata No. 13 in E-flat, Op. 161

Thomas Murray: Variations on a Theme of Richard French

J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in b, S. 544

Engelbert Humperdinck (trans. Edwin H. Lemare): Prelude to Hansel and Gretel

Edward Elgar (trans. Hugh Blair): Carillon, Op. 75

ALFRED HOLLINS: A song of sunrise

EUGÈNE GIGOUT: Grand Choeur Dialogue

Mr. Murray's prize was awarded by the New York City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. His recital is played on the elegant 1954 Aeolian-Skinner organ in the world's largest Gothic church (r. 6/10/86).

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