Op. 736, Church of the Blessed Sacrament/Worcester, MA
Op. 736, Church of the Blessed Sacrament/Worcester, MA
A. Thompson-Allen

Going On Record #8714

…Another quarterly selective sampling of recent organ recordings, with emphasis on the unusual and the unusually attractive.

Poulenc: Concerto in g for Organ, Strings & Timpani  Berj Zamkochian, organist

G.F. HANDEL: Organ Concertos, Op. 4  Peter Hurford, organist; Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra

G.F. HANDEL: "Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound" (and other music for organ and trumpets)  Hannes, Wolfgang & Bernhard Laeubin, trumpets; Simon Preston, organist

J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, "Nun danket alle Gott", S. 657 (plus "Leipzig 18 and "Schuebler" chorale-preludes)  Hans Fagius, organist

J.S. BACH: Trio Sonata No. 6 in G, S. 530  Wolfgang Kreuzhuber, organist

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Te Deum, Op. 43  Daniel Roth, organist

DANIEL ROTH: Improvisation on "Ave Maria"  Daniel Roth

LOUIS VIERNE: Sortie, from Messe basse, Op. 30  Marie-Andree Morisset-Balier, organist

Meyer: Suite Paysanne  Hannes Meyer, organist with string ensemble

Traditional: Swiss waltz (for organ, dulcimer, violin)  Juerg Neuenschwander Ensemble

Hampton: "Everyone Dances", from 5 Dances for Organ  Cherry Rhodes, organist

MAX REGER: Chorale-prelude, "Jesu Leiden, Pein und Not"  Robert Parris, organist

Gigout: Grand-Choeur Dialogue (2 versions played)  Joan Lippincott, John Scott

FRANZ LISZT: Variations on "Weinen, klagen, sorgen, zagen"  Gabor Lehotka, organist; Marie-Claire Alain

FRANZ LISZT: Prelude, "Excelsior"  Martin Hazelboeck

FRANZ LISZT: "Ave Maria"  Zsigmond Szathmary

Rembt: Chorale-prelude, "Now thank we all"  Ewald Kooiman

Kabelac: Fantasy (1957)  Kathryn Moen, organist

PAUL HINDEMITH: Sonata No. 1  Robert Noehren

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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