From Heaven Above #8750
…American organists play seasonal music from many lands.
Smith: Joy to the World John Rose (1962 Austin organ/St. Jospeh Cathedral, Hartford, CT)
J.S. BACH: Canonic Variations on the Christmas song Vom Himmel hoch, S. 769 Dean Billmeyer (1984 Holtkemp / Arlington Hills Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)
JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: 2 Noels (Une juene pucelle; A Minuit fut fait un reveil) James Moeser (1970 Reuter/Plymouth Church, Lawrence, KS)
LOUIS CLAUDE D’AQUIN: Noel No. 10, Grand Jeu et Duo Eileen Guenther (1983 Casavant/Foundry United Methodist Church, Washington, D.C.)
Zachau: Vom Himmel hoch. Smith: All this night my heart rejoices; Good Christen men, rejoice! John Rose. Towerhill T-1009.
Nilsson: Nativitas Domini Marilou Kratzenstein (1978 Sipe/Luther College, Decorah, Iowa)
CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Symphonie Gothique (No. 9 in C, Op. 70) Jesse Eschbach (1897 Felgemaker/Music Center, Duluth, Minnesota)
JOHANN PACHELBEL: Vom Himmel hoch John Walker (1985 Reuter/Augustana Lutheran, Denver, Colorado)
Smith: I saw three ships John Rose. Towerhill T-1009.