An Organist's Yearbook #8752
…With reflections on and forecasts of some matters of consequence in the world of the &ldqou;King of Instruments”.
Included are recordings of several historic and brand-new organs, plus a musical tip of the hat to the Olde Year Passed Away.
DUDLEY BUCK: On the Coast Rosalind Mohnsen (1912 Austin/City Hall, Portland, Maine)
J.S. BACH: Praeludium in C, S. 531 Harald Vogel (1987 Jaeckel/ Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wausau, WI)
JEFFREY PRATER: Festival Celebration on the Chorale "Lobet den Herrn" Iowa State University Winds; Lynn Zeigler-Dickson (1987 Brombaugh/University, Ames, Iowa)
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Chorus, "How lovely is Thy dwelling place". ROBERT HEBBLE: Heraldings Frederick Swann; assisted by the church Sanctuary Choir (1987 Rodgers/Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX)
J.S. BACH: Canon at the Octave and Contrapunctus No. 9, from The Art of the Fugue Walter Hilse (1981 Holtkamp/Park Avenue Christian Church, NYC)
OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Prayer before Communion, from The Book of the Holy Sacrement Jon Gillock (Skinner/Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC)
LOUIS VIERNE: Impromptu electronic realization by Don Pribble
LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN: Scherzo, from Symphony No. 3 realized by the Boston University Symphonic Organ (player rolls)
ALEXANDER SCHREINER: Lyric Interlude Alexander Schreiner (1948 Aeolian-Skinner/Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City)
EARL MILLER: Improvisation on "Auld Lang Syne" Earl Miller (1979 Andover/Epiphany, Danville, Virginia)
HECTOR OLIVERA: Improvisation on "America the Beautiful" Hector Olivera (1928 Kimball/Minneapolis Auditorium, MN)
All selections were recorded in concert (excepting Schreiner and Miller, which appear on LP discs).