AGO '86 - Louis Vierne #8824
…American Guild of Organists 1986 ... Robert Glasgow and the Indepedent Presbyterian church Choir from Birmingham, Alabama, perform music by Louis Vierne.
Giovanni Anerio: Cantate Domino
LOUIS VIERNE: Messe solennelle for 2 organs and choir, Op. 16
HEALEY WILLAN: rise up, my love, my fair one
Susan Benton: thou look'st toward me
Edward L. White: Glory in the highest
Gardon Young: Hallelujah
LOUIS VIERNE: Organ Symphony No. 5 in a, Op. 47
The choir appeared at blessed Sacrament Cathedral Detroit, with organists Susan Ferre and Huw Lewis (Casavant instruments). Joseph Schreiber conducted. Professor Glasgow played at St. John's Episcopal Church, Detroit.