Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament the Apostolic Center of Arts and Culture in Detroit, Michigan.
Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament the Apostolic Center of Arts and Culture in Detroit, Michigan.
Rebecca M.

AGO '86 - Louis Vierne #8824

…American Guild of Organists 1986 ... Robert Glasgow and the Indepedent Presbyterian church Choir from Birmingham, Alabama, perform music by Louis Vierne.

Giovanni Anerio: Cantate Domino

LOUIS VIERNE: Messe solennelle for 2 organs and choir, Op. 16

HEALEY WILLAN: rise up, my love, my fair one

Susan Benton: thou look'st toward me

Edward L. White: Glory in the highest

Gardon Young: Hallelujah

LOUIS VIERNE: Organ Symphony No. 5 in a, Op. 47

The choir appeared at blessed Sacrament Cathedral Detroit, with organists Susan Ferre and Huw Lewis (Casavant instruments). Joseph Schreiber conducted. Professor Glasgow played at St. John's Episcopal Church, Detroit.

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