Olivier Messiaen was a composer and teacher, he inevitably died on April 27 in 1992.
Olivier Messiaen was a composer and teacher, he inevitably died on April 27 in 1992.
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A Tribute to Olivier Messiaen #8849

…Olivier Messiaen –A Tribute, an introduction to and celebration of the work of this century's foremost organ composer, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The following are all works by Messiaen. : Diptyque (1930) –organist Jennifer Bate (1989 Danion-Gonzalez organ/Beauvais Cathedral) : Le banque celeste (1926) –organist Susan Landale (1852 Cavaille-Coll/St. Vincent de Paul Church, Paris)

: Apparition de l'eglise eternelle (1932)  organist Josef Zimmermann (1956 Klais/Cologne Cathedral)

: Transports de joie, fr L'Ascension (1934)  organist Olivier Messiaen (1871 Cavaillé-Coll/Ste. Trinite, Paris, France)

: Communion; Les oiseaux et le sources, fr Messe de la Pentecote (1950)  organist Lola Wolf (1979 Sipe/Hennepin UMC, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

: Piece en trio, fr Livre d'orgue (1951)  organist Louis Thiry (1965 Metzler/St. Peter's Cathedral, Geneva)

: Selections from Livre du Saint Sacrement (1984), No. 1, Adoro te; No. 2, La cource de vie; No. 3, Le Dieu cache; No. 4, Acte de foi  organist Almut Roesseler (1981 Eisenbarth/Passau Cathedral/Stephansdom, Passau, Germany)

: Dieu parmi nous, fr La Nativite du Seignuer (1935)  organist Robert Noehren (1986 Pilzecker/St. Jude's Church, Detriot)

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