Michael Radulescu was born in 1943 to a Romanian father and a German mother, he debuted as an organist 1959.
Michael Radulescu was born in 1943 to a Romanian father and a German mother, he debuted as an organist 1959.
Baroque Festival St. Pölten

Radulescu in Recital #8913

…Radulescu in Recital... concert performances at St. Paul's House of Hope Church and recordings of the restored instrument in Vienna's Michaelerkirche featuring Austrian organist Michael Radulescu.

FRANZ THUNDER: Praeludium in g; Canzona in G; Choral-Fantasy, Komm heiliger Geist

GEORG MUFFAT: Ciacona in g and Tocatta No. 7 in C, fr Apparatus Musico Organisticus

JOHANN FROBERGER: Canzona No. 4 (1649)

GIROLAMO FRASCOBALDI: Toccata No. 3 Per l'organo da sonarsi alla levatione (Book 2, 1637)

GOTTLIEB MUFFAT: Toccata post Elevationem, fr Missa in F

MICHAEL RADULESCU: Ricercari; Organa Versus Estampie (1984)

Mr. Radulescu teaches at the Hochschule foer Musik in Vienna. His performances on the C.D. Fisk organ (1979) at House of Hope Church, St. Paul, MN were recorded 4/24/88).

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