Music for Easter (I) #9015

…Tournemire: Choral-Improvisation, Victimae Paschli –organist Richard Morris (1988 Rodgers organ/2nd Baptist Church, Houston, Texas)

BARRIE CABENA: Paean, Resurrection of Christ  organist Hugh McLean

HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Versets on Christ lag in Todesbanden  organist Peggy Marie Haas (1983 Taylor & Boody/Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Richmond, Virginia)

Boehm: Chorale-prelude, Christ lag in Todesbanden  organist Francis Chapelet (1746 Bosch/St. Geroni Church, Majorca)

ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: paraphrase on See the Conqu'ring hero comes, Op. 90  organist Jonathan Bielby (1860 Willis/Huddersfield Town Hall)

JUSTIN HEINRICH KNECHT: the Resurrection of Jesus (A Tone Painting for Organ)  organist Roland Muhr (1736 Fux/Fuerstenfeld Abbey Church)

OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Le Banquet celeste  organist Rudolf Innig (Fuehrer organ/St. Felizitas Church, Luedinghausen)

J.S. BACH: Easter Choral-prelude, from Orgelbuechlein (Christ ist estanden, S. 627; Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ, S. 628; Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, S. 629; Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, S. 626; Christ lag in Todesbanden, S. 625)  organist Hans Fagius (1982 Arvidsson/Mariefred Church, Sweden)

J.M. Bach: Chorale-prelude, Jesus Christus, unser Heiland  organist Franz Hselboeck (1773 Pfliegler/Kloster, Altenburg, Austria)

ANTHONY NEWMAN: Variations on Mine eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord, from Organ Symphony (1979)  organist David Schrader (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San-Francisco, California)

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