Photo–John Schroeder

The Sound of History (II) #9028 (Encore of #8446)

…music and instruments mostly from the 16th and 17th centuries recorded in Stade, Innsbruck, Imbach, Ossiach, and Metz. Three of these instruments were built recently, though designed in a strict, historic manner.

HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Praeambulum in G. HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Motet arrangement, Dic nobis Maria  -Harald Vogel (1679 Huss-Schnitger/St. Cosmae Et Damiani, Stade, Germany)

THOMAS TALLIS: Anthem arrangement, Remember not, o Lord. JOHN BULL: In nomine -Reinhard Jaud (1558 Ebert/Hofkirche, Innsbruck, Austria)

EILAS AMMERBACH: Passametzo d'Angleterre -Johann Sonnleitner (1626 anonymous/Imbach Parish Church)

JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCK: Echo Fantasia -Peggy Marie Haas (1983 Taylor & Boody/Bethlehem Lutheran, Richmond, Virginia)

JOHANN CASPAR KERLL: Passacaglia in d -Bruce Stevens (1980 Taylor & Boody/Westminster Presbyterian, Charlottesville, Virginia)

JOHANN CASPAR KERLL: Toccata cromatica con durezze e ligature. Froberger: Toccata prima -Herbert Tachezi (Ossiach Monastery Church)

SAMUEL SCHEIDT: Canzonas -Reinhardt Menger (17th century regals)

SAMUEL SCHEIDT: Fantasia super Jo son ferito lasso -Elisabeth Garnier (1981 Garnier/Cathedrale, Metz, France)

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