The American Muse (I) #9033 (Encore of #8620)
…whether inspired by hymn tunes or mere caprice, American composers approach the pipe organ in refreshingly diverse ways.
PAUL MANZ: Hymn Improvisation Suite (Ye watchers and ye holy ones; O Jesus Christ, thy manger is; Of the Father's Love Begotten; Jesus, I will ponder now; Were you there?; Awake, my heart, with gladness) -Paul Manz (1965 Schlicker/Mount Olive Lutheran, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
GARDNER READ: Preludes on Old Southern Hymns (Once more, my soul; Fight on, my soul; By Babel's streams; Hail, ye sighing sons of sorrow). WILLIAM SCHUMAN (arr. Adler): When Jesus wept, from New England Triptych -Rochester Singers/Samuel Adler; Barbara Harbach (1983 C.B. Fisk/Downtown Presbyterian, Rochester, New York)
CLIFFORD DEMAREST: Fantasie for Organ and Piano (1917) -Andrew Gordon, p; Brian Jones (1930 Aeolian organ; Longwood Gardens)
ROGER NYQUIST: Adagio -Richard Waggoner (1979 Sipe/Hennepin UMC, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
DUDLEY BUCK: Organ Sonata No. 2 in g minor, Op. 77 (1877) -William Osborne (1969 Austin organ; Denison University, Granville, OH)