Eight Places in New England #9106
…Miniature musical postcards from an Organ Historical gathering along the Massachusetts north shore.
Thomas Chilcot: Suite No. 1. Thomas Loud: Voluntary in B-flat. J.S. BACH: Praeludium in D Peter Sykes (1866 E. & G.G. Hook organ/Old South Presbyterian Church, Newburyport, Massachusetts)
CLAUDE BALBASTRE: Noel, "Where have the happy shepherds gone?" Brian Jones (1878 E. & G.G. Hook/Nahant Village Church, Nahant, Massachusetts)
HALSEY STEVENS: Improvisation on "Divinum Mysterium" Eileen Hunt (1889 Hutchings-Alley/Newburyport Unitarian Society)
John Beckwith: Voluntary No. 1. Robert Bremner: Song, "No scornful beauty e'er shall boast". THOMAS TOMKINS: Galliard Ellen Hargis, soprano; William Porter (18th century Brattle Organ/St. John's Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN: Flute Serenade, Op. 41 (excerpts) J. Bryan Dyker, flute; George Bozeman, organist (1853 Roberts/Trinity United Church, Seabrook, New Hampshire)
DUDLEY BUCK: Variations on "Old Folks at Home" John Ogasapian (1867 E. & G.G. Hook/United Methodist Church, Ipswich, Massachusetts)
LOUIS VIERNE: "Lied" Bradley Rule (1867 Stevens/Belleville Congregational Church, Newburyport Massachusetts)
ROBERT SIROTA: Festival Prelude, on "Now Thank We all our God" Victoria Ressmeyer Sirota (1856 Stevens & Jewett/Orthodox Congregational Church)
RICHARD REDHEAD: Hymn, "Gracious spirit" Peter Sykes