1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN
1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN

From Here to There #9138

…From here to there –five instruments, all variants on the American church organ theme, as practiced by builders from England, Connecticut, Holland and Illinois.

HERMANN SCHRÖDER: Chorale-prelude, Christ ist erstanden  Timothy Strand (1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)

HUGO DISTLER: Partita, Jesus Chrustus, unser Heiland  Melanie Ninneman (1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)

GERALD NEAR: Sarabande, Land of Rest. DAVID CHERWIEN: Prelude on Dennis. PAUL MANZ: Prelude on Wachet auf.  Philip Brunelle (1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)

ERNST PEPPING: Chorale-preludes, from Grosses Orgelbuch (Gelobet sei Gott; Mit Freuden zart; Komm, Gott Schoepfer)  Kristina Langlois (1987 J.W. Walker organ, First Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN)

JOHANN PACHELBEL: Partita, Ach, was soll ich Suender machen. Cabanilles: Tiento de falsas. Valeri: Sonata No. 8.  Calvert Johnson (1980 Flentrop/Rivercliff Lutheran, Dunwoody, Georgia)

James: Trumpet Voluntary. Pepping: Frohlich soll ich mein Herze springen. SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Nun danket, alle Gott  Calvert Johnson (1980 Flentrop/Rivercliff Lutheran, Dunwoody, Georgia)

Kart-Elert: Nun danket, alle Gott. J.S. BACH: (arranged Harvey Grace) Jesu, joy of man's desiring  Roger Arnold (1988 Austin, St. John Lutheran Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa)

ELMORE: Pavane. JOHN RUTTER: Toccata in Seven  Joyce Mynster (1988 Austin, St. John Lutheran Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa)

ROBERT SCHUMANN: Canon in b, Op. 56, no. 5.  Frederich Hohman (Richard Schneider organ, United Methodist Church, Farmer City, Illinois)

MAX REGER: Improvisation, from Sonata No. 2, op. 60  Frederich Hohman (Richard Schneider organ, St. Peter's Catholic Church, Quincy, Illinois)

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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