The 1990 Möller organ facade and console at Calvary Church, Charlotte, N.C.
The 1990 Möller organ facade and console at Calvary Church, Charlotte, N.C.
David Ritch

Preludes to the Christmas Festival #9149

…Preludes to the Christmas Festival....settings of Advent and Christmas melodies both old and new.

David Lowe: O come, o comes, Emmauel  organist Dan Miller (1990 Möller/Calvary, Charlotte, North_Carolina)

MYRON ROBERTS: Improvisation on God rest ye, merry gentlemen  organist James Dale (1981 Moeller/Navy Academy Chapel, Annapolis, Maryland)

SIR DAVID WILLCOCKS: Carol, God rest ye, merry gentlemen  organist Judith Hancock; Choir of St. Thomas Church, New York City/Gerre Hancock, conductor

JEAN LANGLAIS: L'Annonciation, from Poemes Evangeliques  organist Marilyn Keiser (1987 Holtkamp/Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana)

J.S. BACH: 3 Advent Chorale-preludes, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, S. 659-661  organist Antoine Bouchard (1961 Beckerath/Immaculee Conception, Montreal, Canada)

Richard Dering: Duo Seraphim. RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Wither's Rocking Hymn. SIR DAVID WILLCOCKS: Angelus ad Virginem  organist Mark Dwyer; Choir of the Church of the Advent, Boston; Edith Ho, conductor

CHARLES TOURNEMIRE: toccata, Conditor alme siderum, Op. 55, no. 1  organist Winfried Boenig (1980 Jann/St. Joseph Church, Memmingen, Germany)

J.S. BACH: Aria, Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben. Aleesandro Stradella: Pieta Signore. J.S. BACH: Aria, Grosser Herr und starker Koenig  Erik Schultz, trumpet; organist Jan Overduin (1915 Woodstock/St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Kirchner, Ontario)

ANTHONY PICCOLO: Advent anthem, I look from afar  organist Douglas Major; Washington National Cathedral Choir; Richard W. Dirksen, conductor

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