Preludes to the Christmas Festival #9149
…Preludes to the Christmas Festival....settings of Advent and Christmas melodies both old and new.
David Lowe: O come, o comes, Emmauel organist Dan Miller (1990 Möller/Calvary, Charlotte, North_Carolina)
MYRON ROBERTS: Improvisation on God rest ye, merry gentlemen organist James Dale (1981 Moeller/Navy Academy Chapel, Annapolis, Maryland)
SIR DAVID WILLCOCKS: Carol, God rest ye, merry gentlemen organist Judith Hancock; Choir of St. Thomas Church, New York City/Gerre Hancock, conductor
JEAN LANGLAIS: L'Annonciation, from Poemes Evangeliques organist Marilyn Keiser (1987 Holtkamp/Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana)
J.S. BACH: 3 Advent Chorale-preludes, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, S. 659-661 organist Antoine Bouchard (1961 Beckerath/Immaculee Conception, Montreal, Canada)
Richard Dering: Duo Seraphim. RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Wither's Rocking Hymn. SIR DAVID WILLCOCKS: Angelus ad Virginem organist Mark Dwyer; Choir of the Church of the Advent, Boston; Edith Ho, conductor
CHARLES TOURNEMIRE: toccata, Conditor alme siderum, Op. 55, no. 1 organist Winfried Boenig (1980 Jann/St. Joseph Church, Memmingen, Germany)
J.S. BACH: Aria, Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben. Aleesandro Stradella: Pieta Signore. J.S. BACH: Aria, Grosser Herr und starker Koenig Erik Schultz, trumpet; organist Jan Overduin (1915 Woodstock/St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Kirchner, Ontario)
ANTHONY PICCOLO: Advent anthem, I look from afar organist Douglas Major; Washington National Cathedral Choir; Richard W. Dirksen, conductor