The Organ at Oberlin, Part 2 #9316
…More performances by and conversation with faculty and student artists on the campus of one of America's most prestigious undergraduate music schools, the Oberlin Conservatory in Ohio. Campus instruments include a 1955 Aeolian-Skinner (III?66) in Finney Chapel, a 1974 Flentrop (III/44) in Warner Hall, and a 1981 Brombaugh (II/15) in meantone tuning at Fairchild Chapel.
CHARLES TOURNEMIRE: Te Deum Improvisation-Paraphrase organist Michael Lizotte
J.S. BACH: Prelude in C, S. 547 organist Haskell Thomson
J.S. BACH: Trio Sonata No. 2 in c, S. 526 organist Andreas Mojica
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Prelude & Fugue in g organist Rock Whiting
HIERONYMUS PRAETORIUS: Magnificat Verse. HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Galliard in D organist David Boe
SWEELINCK: Balletto del Granduca organist Haskell Thomson
NAJI HAKIM: Vivo, from Symphony in 3 Movements organist Christopher Harrell
LOUIS VIERNE: Berceuse, from Pieces in Free Style organist Andrew Fredel
WILLIAM BOLCOM: gospel Prelude, Jesus loves me organist David Boe
PETR EBEN: Finale, from Sunday Music organist Bruce R. Frank