1891 Schuelke in St. Boniface church, New Vienna, IA
1891 Schuelke in St. Boniface church, New Vienna, IA

Archive of O.H.S. in Iowa (Part 2) #9334

…continuing explorations of historic American instruments in the midwest, as documented by the Organ Historical Society.

Part 1

JOHANN GOTTFRIED WALTHER: Concerto del Signor MeckWilliam Kuhlman (1891 Schuelke/St. Boniface RCC, New Vienna, IA)

J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein, S. 641 –Ruth Tweeten (1887 Pfeffer/St. Mary RCC, Muscatine, IA)

RICHARD WAGNER: Tannhäuser March –Jane Edge (1903 Pfeffer/St. Joseph RCC, Garavillo, IA)

ANTONÎN DVOŘÁK: Biblical Song, Hear my prayer –Maria Fitzgerald, soprano; Elizabeth Stodola (1876 Pfeffer/St. Wenceslaus RCC, Spillville, IA)

Part 2

OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Les Enfants de Dieu, from La Nativité. JOHANN LUDWIG KREBS: Chorale-prelude, Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen –Delores Bruch (1883 Moline/St. Mary RCC, Iowa City, IA)

EUGÈNE GIGOUT: Communion –John Chappell Stowe (1885 Moline/Galena UMC, Galena, IL)

WILLIAM ALBRIGHT: Sweet SisteenthsRudolf Zuiderveld (1889 Moline/Sacred Heart RCC, Fort Madison, IA)

BENEDETTO MARCELLO: Psalm 19. JOHN HUGHES: Hymn, God of grace and God of gloryJane Edge (1870 Hammil/Sts. Peter & Paul RCC, Sherrill, IA)


WILLIAM BUNCH: Fanfare, Lament & Prayer, premiere WILLIAM BOYCE: Voluntary in D. JOSEPH JONGEN: Cantabile, Opus 37, number 1. CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD: Hymn, When in our music God is glorified –John Ditto (1874 Hook & Hastings/Unitarian Church, Keokuk, IA)

FRANZ LISZT: Station Number 5, from Via Crucis –Naomi Rowley (1838 Erben/Grace Episcopal, Galena, IL)

JOHANNES BRAHMS: Chorale-prelude, Herzliebster Jesu, Opus 122 –John Panning (1901 Lyon & Healy/Nativity RCC, Menominee, IL)

CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS: Prelude & Fugue in C, Opus 101, number 3 –Rosalind Mohnsen (1879 Pfeffer/St. Mary RCC, Fort Madison, IA)


Recordings were made by Scott Kent during the 1986 OHS National Convention. For more information visit the Organ Historical Society


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