The Organ in Advent #9348
…The Organ in Advent....music of expectation, contemplation, reverence and celebration, in anticipation of the Nativity.
PAUL MANZ: Advent suite organist Paul Manz (1965 Schlicker/Mount Olive Lutheran, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Kneller: Partita, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland organist Olivier Vernet (1985 Aubertin/St. Louis de Vichy, France)
Hoddinott: 3 Advent Carols St. John's College Choir; George Guest, conductor; Alexander Martin (St. John's College Cambridge)
Gardner: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day. Pearson: Advent Procession. NEAR: And all in the morning. WEAVER: Epiphany Alleluias Choir of St. John's Episcopal Cathedral; Donald Pearson; Eric Plutz (1938 Kimball/St. John's Episcopal Cathedral, Denver)
Hoyer: paraphrase, Vom Himmel hoch, Op. 17, no. 2 organist Herman van Vliet (1845 Naber/St. Joriskerk, Amersfoort, Holland)
Cherwien: Hymn Fantasy, O come, o come, Emmanuel Merilee Klemp, oboe; Festival Choir; David Cherwien (1970 Reuter/Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Minneapolis)
MAX REGER: Chorale Fantasy, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimee, Op. 52, no. 2 organist Martin Haselboeck (1976 Rieger/Augustinerkirche, Vienna, Austria)