Portland Street Baptist Church Haverhill, Mass.
Portland Street Baptist Church Haverhill, Mass.

Americana Revisited, Part 5 #8923

…A collection of historic American pipe organs playing the music of American composers. These performances were recorded during the 1987 National Convention of the Organ Historical Society.

JOHN ZUNDEL: Introduction and Fugue in d  Victoria Sirota (1856 Stevens & Jewett organ, Orthodox Congregational Church, Lanesville, MA)

RAYNOR TAYLOR: Variations on Adeste fidelis  Clark Rice (1875 Ryder, Byfield Community Methodist Church)

HORATIO PARKER: Novelette, Op. 68, No. 3  Jane Edge (1885 Hook & Hastings, Portland Street Baptist Church, Haverhill, MA)

DUDLEY BUCK: Prelude on Greensleeves  Ruth Tweeten (1893 Hutchings, Independent Christian Church, Gloucester, MA)

AMY BEACH: Prelude on a Folk Tune. H. ALEXANDER MATTHEWS: Song of the Sea  John Ogasapian (1867 Hook, Ipswich United Methodist Church)

ERNST BACON: Spirits and Places (movements 2, 3, 5). . JOHN COOK: Scherzo  Marian Ruhl Metson (1875 Hutchings, Immaculate Conception Church, Newburyport, MA)

ALEXANDER REINAGLE: Federal March  Lois Regestein (1861 Hook, First Parish Church, Manchester, MA)

EUGENE THAYER: La Devotion, Op. 8, No. 2. J. VARLEY ROBERTS: Postlude in F  Rosalind Mohnsen (1885 Adams, St. Anne's Church, Salem, MA)

ROGER HANNAHS: Suite of Miniatures  Susan Armstron-Ouellette (1838 Morss, Seabrook Historical Society, Seabrook, NH)

G.H. SWIFT: March in C. ERNEST BLOCH: Andante. HERBERT FROMM: Hassidic Interlude  Earl Miller (1853 Simmons, Temple Ahavath Achem, Gloucester, MA)

JOHN KNOWLES PAINE: Austria Variations  Bradley Rule (1867 Stevens, Belleville Congregational Church)

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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