Americana Revisited, Part 5 #8923
…A collection of historic American pipe organs playing the music of American composers. These performances were recorded during the 1987 National Convention of the Organ Historical Society.
JOHN ZUNDEL: Introduction and Fugue in d Victoria Sirota (1856 Stevens & Jewett organ, Orthodox Congregational Church, Lanesville, MA)
RAYNOR TAYLOR: Variations on Adeste fidelis Clark Rice (1875 Ryder, Byfield Community Methodist Church)
HORATIO PARKER: Novelette, Op. 68, No. 3 Jane Edge (1885 Hook & Hastings, Portland Street Baptist Church, Haverhill, MA)
DUDLEY BUCK: Prelude on Greensleeves Ruth Tweeten (1893 Hutchings, Independent Christian Church, Gloucester, MA)
AMY BEACH: Prelude on a Folk Tune. H. ALEXANDER MATTHEWS: Song of the Sea John Ogasapian (1867 Hook, Ipswich United Methodist Church)
ERNST BACON: Spirits and Places (movements 2, 3, 5). . JOHN COOK: Scherzo Marian Ruhl Metson (1875 Hutchings, Immaculate Conception Church, Newburyport, MA)
ALEXANDER REINAGLE: Federal March Lois Regestein (1861 Hook, First Parish Church, Manchester, MA)
EUGENE THAYER: La Devotion, Op. 8, No. 2. J. VARLEY ROBERTS: Postlude in F Rosalind Mohnsen (1885 Adams, St. Anne's Church, Salem, MA)
ROGER HANNAHS: Suite of Miniatures Susan Armstron-Ouellette (1838 Morss, Seabrook Historical Society, Seabrook, NH)
G.H. SWIFT: March in C. ERNEST BLOCH: Andante. HERBERT FROMM: Hassidic Interlude Earl Miller (1853 Simmons, Temple Ahavath Achem, Gloucester, MA)
JOHN KNOWLES PAINE: Austria Variations Bradley Rule (1867 Stevens, Belleville Congregational Church)