15th century da Prato organ at the Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy.
15th century da Prato organ at the Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy.
2023 Vox Humana

Christmas Joy #9451

…Christmas Joy ... colorful and outgoing compositions old and new for t his exuberant time.

Balbastre: Two Burgundian Noels  Georges Guillard (1824 Cavaille-Coll, St. Michel Abbey, Gaillac)

CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS: Prelude & Chorus, from Christmas Oratorio, Op. 12  Pacific Mozart Ensemble; Richard Grant, conductor; Frederick Hohman (1982 Reuter, Holy Name Church, San Francisco)

Frescobaldi: Capriccio  Sergio Vartolo (1596 Malamini/Basilica, Bologna, Italy)

RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Yorkshire Carol. Strauss: The Three Holy Kings. Beveridge: Angelic Jubilation  Rose Lamoreaux, singer; Washington Men's Camerata; Thomas Beveridge, conductor; Donald Sutherland (1973 Holtkamp, Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD)

Burkhardt: Four Chorales (The god of Abraham praise; Confort ye, my people; Angels we have heard on high; Now thank we all)  Michael Burkhardt (1988 Casavant, Christ College, Irvine, CA)

Chauvet: Christmas Offertoire No. 8. HELMUT WALCHA: Gottes Sohn ist kommen. Boellmann: Verset No. 2  Kurt Lueders (1988 Schoenstein, Good Counsel Church, Los Angeles)

PHILLIPS: Hodie, Christus natus est. Susa: Adam lay in bondage  All Saints Church, Beverly Hills; Thomas Foster, conductor; Craig Phillips (1951 Casavant)

LOUIS CLAUDE D’AQUIN: Noel Suisse (No. 12). JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Noel de Saintonge  Jean-Maurice Capt, oboe; Daniel Meylan, organ.

Dubois: Noel. Ermend-Bonnal: Noel Landais. Nowoweijski: Christmas in the Old Church in Krakow, Op. 31, no. 3  Paul Wisskirchen (1980 Klais/Dom, Altenberg, Germany)

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