1880 Pomplitz/Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal, Baltimore, MD
1880 Pomplitz/Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal, Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Blessings #9520

…a survey of mostly 19th-century instruments made by regional builders for churches in and around Maryland's prosperous port.

LOUIS VIERNE: Allegro, from Symphony Number 2 –Thomas Spacht (1884 Roosevelt; 1989 Schantz/Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Baltimore, MD)

HUGO DISTLER: Variations on a Folksong –James Darling (1880 Pomplitz/Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal, Baltimore, MD)

TAYLOR: Variations on Adeste fidelis –Elsie Hoermann (1890 Reiley/Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Baltimore, MD)

POLLARD: Chanson RomantiqueJames Hammann (1901 Stein/St. Mary Episcopal, Baltimore, MD)

MAX REGER: Passacaglia in d –Peter Sykes (1887 Niemann/St. Joseph's Monastery Baltimore, MD)

LÉO DELIBES: Intermezzo Waltz, from Naila (1899 Welte Orchestrions/Durward R. Center, Aeolian Hall, Baltimore, MD) Centerdisc DRCD-1991

GEORG BÖHM: Vater unser im Himmelreich –Peggy Haas Howell (1989 Howell/Epiphany Episcopal Church, Timonium, MD)

FRANK BRIDGE: Allegro Marziale, from 6 Pieces –Peter Crisafulli (1885 Roosevelt/Lovely Lane UMC, Baltimore, MD)

ANONYMOUS: General Washington's March –Philip Cooper (1860 unknown builder/Old Salem Lutheran Church, Catonsville, MD)

GUSTAV MERKEL: Canon in F#, Opus 39, number 3 –Marilyn Stulken (1897 Niemann/Old Otterbein UMC, Baltimore, MD)

TRADITIONAL: Holy, holy, holy –Michael Britt (1886 Ganter & Schumacher/Holy Cross Church, Baltimore, MD)

JOSEPH-GUY ROPARTZ: Priere. LOUIS-JAMES-ALFRED LEFÉBURE-WÉLY: Recit de Hautbois. KNAEBEL: Somerville Quick-step –Rosalind Mohnsen (1884 Jardine/Mount de Sales Academy, Catonsville, MD)

CLIFTON: La Fayette's Welcome. NIELSEN: Short Preludes, Opus 51 –Lois Regestein (1880 Niemann/Parish Hall, First Unitarian Church, Baltimore, MD)

CHARLES ZEUNER: Fugue Number 4. EUGENE THAYER: Allegro Maestoso –Robert Barney (1875 Pomplitz/Second & Fourth Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD)

JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Fugue in g#, from Sonata Number 16, Opus 175 –Bruce Stevens (1889 Odell/Corpus Christi-Jenkins Memorial Church, Baltimore, MD)


These performances were recorded during a summer convention of the Organ Historical Society. A multi-compact-disc collection devoted to these and other instruments mostly 19th-century instruments is available from the OHS.

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