Organs on the Move #9541
…sharing music and tales of peril with Alan Laufman of the Organ Clearing House, who helps aging orphan instruments find new homes.
VIVALDI/BACH: Vivace, from Concerto in a, S. 593. JOHANNES BRAHMS: My heart is ever yearning. CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: March, from Symphony Number 3 –Clark Rice (1859 E. & G.G. Hook; 1982 Andover Organ Company/Holy Trinity Lutheran, North Easton, MA)
CARVALHO: Allegro. MURPHREE: Toccata –James Mosby Bratton (1869 Hook/First Unitarian Parish, Arlington, MA)
CLARENCE EDDY: Praeludium in a. NEWTON PASHLEY: Air in Classic Style –Ronald McKean (1987 Rosales/St. Francis of Assissi Church, Concord, CA)
CHARLES WESLEY: Prelude & Fugue in a. SAMUEL WESLEY: 2 Pieces. J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in E from the Well-tempered Clavier, Book 2 –Peter Williams (1830 Appleton/Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY)
GEORG BÖHM: Variations on Ah, how futile!. LOUIS VIERNE: Communion, from Low Mass. HORATIO PARKER: Triumphal March, Opus 28, number 1 –Timothy Edward Smith (1982 Cooper/Our Lady of Good Voyage Church, Gloucester, MA)
SETH BINGHAM: Hymn-prelude, We would see Jesus –George Bozeman (1889 Felgemaker, rebuilt & enlarged by Steuart Goodwin/Holy Cross Church, Santa Cruz, CA)
For information visit the Organ Clearing House