Archive of At Saint John the Divine #9543
…no recording can fully capture the immensity of New York City's famous cathedral space, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to try.
MAX REGER: Toccata & Fugue in d/D, Opus 59, nos. 5/6 –Marsha Heather Long. Koch CD-7008
BENEDETTO MARCELLO: Psalm 19 –Michael Murray. Telarc CD-80169
KENNETH LEIGHTON: Festival Fanfare –Joan Lippincott. Gothic G78624
JOHN DUNSTABLE: Agincourt Hymn –John Rose. Towerhill Records
PAUL HALLEY: Improvisation, Sunset/Dusk –Paul Halley. Gramavision GR-7004
PAUL WINTER: Grand Canyon Sunrise –Paul Winter, sax; Glen Velez, drum; Paul Halley, organ. Living Music LMUS0006
J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in e, S. 533 –Michael Murray. Telarc CD-80169
KARG-ELERT: Harmonies du soir. JOSEPH JONGEN: Toccata. MARCEL DUPRÉ: Resurrection, from Symphonie-Passion –Marsha Heather Long. Koch CD-7008
Audio engineers William Lund, Robert Woods, Harry Munz, Michael Nemo and Chris Brown present this musical landmark from various acoustic perspectives.
The Cathedral Organ was created by Ernest M. Skinner in 1910. Following the completion of the church's interior structure, the organ was enlarged and renovated in 1954 by G. Donald Harrison and the Aeolian-Skinner firm.