Olivier Latry at House of Hope #9640
The acclaimed young organist from Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, plays the celebrated 1979 C.B. Fisk organ in Saint Paul, MN, recorded October 30, 1994.
J.S. BACH (transcribed by Marcel Dupré): Sinfonia to Cantata Number 29, Wir danken Dir
J.S. BACH (arranged by Charles-Marie Widor): March of the Night Watchman, Wachet auf
J.S. BACH (arranged by Henri Messerer): Chaconne in d
J.S. BACH (transcribed by Gigout): Aria from the Pentecost Cantata
J.S. BACH (transcribed by Franz Liszt): Cantata Number 21, Ich hatte viel Bekummernis
ROBERT SCHUMANN: 3 Fugues on B-A-C-H, Opus 60
OLIVIER LATRY: Improvisation on Submitted Themes A mighty fortress; Funeral March of a Marionette; and Somewhere over the rainbow