Te Deum Laudamus #9720

Varied splendid and vibrant settings of the perennially affirming hymn of praise, faith and celebration, a sonic spectacular!

JEAN LANGLAIS: Hymne d’actions de graces, Te Deum Op, 5, number 3, from 3 Gregorian Paraphrases –Catharine Crozier (1987 Rosales/Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR) Delos DE 3147

JEANNE DEMESSIEUX: Te Deum, Opus 11 –Alan Morrison (1962 Aeolian-Skinner/Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA) Gothic G49083

BENJAMIN BRITTEN: Festival Te Deum in E –Hereford Cathedral Choir, Roy Massey, conductor; Geraint Bowen (1933 Henry Willis & Sons; 2004 Harrison/Hereford Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD507

FRANZ KROPFREITER: Te Deum Laudamus [1986] –Christopher Young (1992 Buzard/St. Matthew RCC, Champaign, IL) Pro Organo CD 7081

DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Te DeumHarald Vogel (1693 Schnitger/Jacobikirche, Hamburg, Germany) Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 314 0427

HECTOR BERLIOZ: Te Deum, Opus 22, selections: Te Deum; Tibi omnes; Judex crederis –Voices of Ascension Chorus & Orchestra, Dennis Keene, conductor; Young Singers of Pennsylvania; Mark Kruczek, recorded during the 1996 Centennial Convention of the American Guild of Organists (1954 Aeolian-Skinner; 2008 Quimby/Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York, NY) Delos DE 3200


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