On the Move Again #9735
Revisiting with Alan Laufman of the Organ Clearing House and talking about the preservation and relocation of historic American instruments.
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Prelude & Fugue in g –Marian Ruhl Metson (1875 Hutchings-Plaisted/Immaculate Conception RCC, Newburyport, MA)
THOMAS AUGUSTINE ARNE: Flute Solo –Marilyn Stulken (1905 Kilgen/Sacred Heart RCC, Amesbury, MA)
DAVID N. JOHNSON: Trumpet Tune. CHARLES WOOD: Andante, In Memory of Hubert Parry –Daryl Dolfe (1896 Hook & Hastings/Unitarian-Universalist Church, Haverhill, MA)
WILBUR HELD: Duke Street. DONALD BUSAROW: Battle Hymn. CHARLES W. ORE: The Church’s One Foundation –Christopher Nelson (1894 Kilgen/St. John the Evangelist Episcopal, Chico, CA)
JOHN WEST: Festal Song –Joyce Painter Rice (1894 Hook & Hastings; 1987 Hawkes/Trinity Congregational, Gloucester, MA)
ARTHUR FOOTE: Pastorale, Opus 29, number 3. GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK: March, from 10 Progressive Pedal Studies. HYMN: Rejoice, the Lord is King –Rosalind Mohnsen (1885 Adams/St. Anne RCC, Salem, MA)
CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS: Prelude & Fugue in E-flat, Opus 99, number 3 (1871 Hook/St. Alphonsus RCC, New York, NY)
JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Organ Sonata Number 3 in G, Opus 88, Pastorale –Bruce Stevens (1871 E. & G.G. Hook/St. Mary RCC, New Haven, CT) Raven OAR-140
Recordings were drawn from the archives of the Organ Historical Society. Find more information concerning the activities of the Organ Clearing House.
This program was originally issued as #9046 in November 1990.