The‘I’s Have It #9809

In Iowa and Indiana we explore notable installations of imaginatively-conceived organs by American builders Lynn Dobson and Daniel Jaeckel.

J.S. BACH: Prelude in G, S. 541. JOHANN BERNARD BACH: Chaconne in B-flat. JOHANN CHRISTIAN KITTEL: Fantasia. LIBBY LARSEN: Sonata on Kalenda Maya –Karen Larson (1996 Dobson/Wartburg College, Waverly, IA)

LIBBY LARSEN: Sonata on Kalenda Maya. GEORG BÖHM: Praeludium in C. GERALD NEAR: Triptych of Fugues –Carla Edwards (1989 Jaeckel/Aldersgate UMC, Evansville, IN)

LOUIS-NICOLAS CLERAMBAULT: 4 Pieces, from Livre d’Orgue. WILLIAM BOLCOM: Gospel Prelude, Jesus loves me –Karen Larson (1996 Dobson/Wartburg College, Waverly, IA)

ÁNDRE ISOIR: Variations on an Old Noel –Carla Edwards (1989 Jaeckel/Aldersgate UMC, Evansville, IN)


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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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