The‘I’s Have It #9809
In Iowa and Indiana we explore notable installations of imaginatively-conceived organs by American builders Lynn Dobson and Daniel Jaeckel.
J.S. BACH: Prelude in G, S. 541. JOHANN BERNARD BACH: Chaconne in B-flat. JOHANN CHRISTIAN KITTEL: Fantasia. LIBBY LARSEN: Sonata on Kalenda Maya –Karen Larson (1996 Dobson/Wartburg College, Waverly, IA)
LIBBY LARSEN: Sonata on Kalenda Maya. GEORG BÖHM: Praeludium in C. GERALD NEAR: Triptych of Fugues –Carla Edwards (1989 Jaeckel/Aldersgate UMC, Evansville, IN)
LOUIS-NICOLAS CLERAMBAULT: 4 Pieces, from Livre d’Orgue. WILLIAM BOLCOM: Gospel Prelude, Jesus loves me –Karen Larson (1996 Dobson/Wartburg College, Waverly, IA)
ÁNDRE ISOIR: Variations on an Old Noel –Carla Edwards (1989 Jaeckel/Aldersgate UMC, Evansville, IN)