1912 Austin; Kotzschmar Memorial Organ at Merrill Auditorium, Portland, Maine.
1912 Austin; Kotzschmar Memorial Organ at Merrill Auditorium, Portland, Maine.

Summer Sketches #9824

portraits of four historic instruments, in Portland and Bangor, Maine; Ocean Grove, New Jersey; and Round Lake, New York, famous for their summer concert schedules.

EDWIN H. LEMARE: Fantasie Fugue, Opus 48 –Frederick Hohman (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) Pro Organo CD 7018

EDWIN H. LEMARE: Summer Sketches, Opus 73 –Thomas Murray (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) AFKA SK-515

MacFARLANE: America the Beautiful March –Earl Miller (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) AFKA Cassette SK-324

JOHANN STRAUSS II: Emperor Waltz. MAURICE DURUFLÉ: Prelude on the Introit for Epiphany; Fugue on the Hour Chime of Soissons Cathedral –Peter Richard Conte (1908 Hope-Jones/Ocean Grove Auditorium, Ocean Grove, NJ) recorded July 24, 1991

PHILIPPE LEFEBVRE (arranged by Alexandre Guilmant): Meditation, Opus 68. ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Allegro in the Style of Handel, Opus 81 –Round Lake Festival Orchestra; Glenn Soellner, conductor; Stephen Pinel [recorded July 24, 1988] (1847 Davis & Ferris/Round Lake Auditorium, Round Lake, NY) Round Lake CD-1001

CÉSAR FRANCK: Grande Piece Symphonique, Opus 17 –Dana Robinson (1860 E. & G.G. Hook/St. John RCC, Bangor, ME) recorded May, 28, 1993

For information on summer concerts:

Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ

Ocean Grove Auditorium Concerts

Round Lake Auditorium Concerts

Saint John’s Church Organ Series


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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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