Bon Schantz #9829
Concert performances on the 1985 Schantz pipe organ at the Church of Saint Leo the Great in Saint Paul, MN.
JEAN LANGLAIS: Incantation pour un jour Saint –Amy Johansen
FRANCIS POULENC: Concerto for Organ, Strings and Timpani –James Higdon
HORATIO PARKER: Allegretto, from Organ Sonata in e-flat –Amy Johansen
WILLIAM ALBRIGHT: Gothic Suite: Masque, Cakewalk, Tarantelle Demente –John Chappell Stowe
JOSEPH JONGEN: Cantabile, Opus 37 –Amy Johansen
HOWARD HANSON: Concerto for Organ, Strings and Harp, Opus 22, number 3 –Wilma Jensen
Works with orchestra were recorded during a regional convention of the American Guild of Organists. Philip Brunelle conducted. All recordings are drawn from the Pipedreams Archive.
This program was originally issued as #9204 in January 1992.