1974 Harrison/Wells Cathedral, England, UK
1974 Harrison/Wells Cathedral, England, UK
Wells Cathedral

Sir Christemas #9849

From Provence to Poland and New York City to Norway, we offer a global tour of compositions on Christmas themes.

NICOLAS LEBEGUE: Nol, Laisses paitre vos bestes. DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Chorale, Ach Gott und Herr. EMMERLEIN: Christmas Offertoire, Joseph est bien marie –André Isoir (1967 Kern/Église Saint-Brice d’Ay, France) Calliope CD-9933

GUY MORANCON: Provencal Nol, Dans une grange champestre –Rupert Gough (1857 Henry Willis; 1974 Harrison & Harrison/Wells Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD595

WILLIAM MATHIAS: Sir Christemas. JOHN RUTTER: Star Carol. JOHN RUTTER: Nol Nouvelet. LEO SOWERBY: Postlude on In dulci jubilo –Saint Bartholomew’s Church Choir, William Trafka, conductor; Daniel Moriarty & William Trafka (1971 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Bartholomew Episcopal, New York, NY) Ethereal CD-100 & Ethereal CD-110

DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Chorale, In dulci jubilo –Peter Sykes (1989 Roche/Old North Church, Nantucket Island, MA) Raven OAR-320

J.S. BACH: Chorale, Jesu, joy of man’s desiring –Martin Souter (1830 Appleton/Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY) Isis CD-031

HUGO DISTLER: Chorale, Vom Himmel hoch. HUGO DISTLER: Partita, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Opus 8 –John Brock (1979+1989 Brombaugh/Christ Church, Tacoma, WA) & (1976 Brombaugh/Central Lutheran, Eugene, OR) Calcante CD-022

ROBERT HEBBLE: Divinum Mysterium. VIRGIL FOX (arranged): The First Noël –Virgil Fox (1965 Möller/St. Paul the Apostle RCC, New York, NY) Bainbridge CD-2505

TRADITIONAL: Norwegian Folksong, Et lite barn sa lystelig. TRADITIONAL: Ave Maris Stella. CARL CHRISTIAN NICOLAJ BALLE: Now Comes the Christmas Festival –Tore Brunborg, sax; Kjetil Bjerkestrand, organ; Kirkelig Kulturverksted FXCD160

RACZKOWSKI: Polish Christmas Carol Suite –Marek Toporowski (1883 Henry Willis/Dominican Priory, London, England, UK) Musicon CD-010

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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