An Organist’s Yearbook #9852
A summing up of the past year, with celebrations and memorial tributes, highlights of some exceptional recordings, and some glimpses into the future.
JOHN COOK: Fanfare –John West (1997 Walker/California State University, Northridge, CA) Pipedreams Archive recorded January 19, 1998
JEAN LANGLAIS: Fete –Sarah Baldock (1987 Casavant Frères/Jack Singer Concert Hall, Calgary, Alberta, Canada) CBC recording September 29, 1998
DANIEL PINKHAM: Pastorale for Harp and Organ –Sandra Bittermann, harp; Susan Armstrong-Ouellette (1863 E.F. Walcker; 1947 Aeolian-Skinner/Methuen Music Hall, Methuen, MA) AFKA SK-542
SEARLE WRIGHT: Magnificat –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock, conductor; Patrick Allen (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Priory PRCD600
MATTHIAS WECKMANN: Praeambulum primi toni –William Porter (1693 Schnitger/Jacobikirche, Hamburg, Germany) Pipedreams Archive recorded July 8, 1998
SERGEI PROKOFIEV: March, from Love for Three Oranges –David Briggs (1979 C.B. Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 26, 1998
HENRY PURCELL: Voluntary in G –John Butt (1977 Brunzema-Casavant Frères/Maternity of the BVM RCC, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 5, 1998
HORATIO PARKER: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat, Opus 65 –Gordon Turk (1888 Roosevelt/FUMC, Boulder, CO) Pipedreams Archive recorded June 28, 1998
NED ROREM: Elms, from Views from the Oldest House –John Obetz (1960 Casavant Frères/First Church of Christ, Scientist; Denver, CO) Pipedreams Archive recorded June 30, 1998
PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY: Nocturne in c# –Ken Cowan (1926 Austin/Irvine Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) Curtis Organ Restoration Society CD-141602
AUGUST GOTTFRIED RITTER: Fugue, from Sonata Number 3 in a, Opus 23 –Daniel Roth (1998 Glatter-Götz; Rosales/Claremont UCC, Claremont, CA) Pipedreams Archive recorded March 12, 1998
BILLY HILL: Glory of Love –George Wright (Hollywood Philharmonic Organ/George Wright Residence, Hollywood, CA) Banda CD-109454
FRANCIS POULENC: Litanies for the Black Virgin –French Festival Choir, Michel Piquemal, conductor; Éric Lebrun (1894 Cavaillé-Coll/Église Saint-Antoine des Quinze-Vingts, Paris, France) ADDA CD-581320; also Naxos 8.553176
WILLIAM ALBRIGHT: Hymn, Glorious the Sun, from A Song to David –Saint Mark’s Cathedral Choir, Howard Don Small, conductor; Dean Billmeyer (1928 Welte; 1964 Möller; 1983 Gould & Sons/Episcopal Cathedral of St. Mark, Minneapolis, MN) Saint Mark’s CD-1995