Fanfares and Pageants #9920
With superb - read really hot - performances of American music recorded in Texas and Minnesota.
CALVIN HAMPTON: Fanfares –Mary Preston (1992 C.B. Fisk/Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX) Pipedreams Archive recorded 7, 1998
JON SPONG: Intrada, from Concert Fragments for Organ. DAVID CHERWIEN: Partita on Sine Nomine - For All the Saints –Lee Afdahl (1998 Casavant Frères/First Presbyterian, Rochester, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded 2, 1999
LEO SOWERBY: Pageant –Joyce Jones (1992 C.B. Fisk/Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX) Pipedreams Archive recorded January 28, 1999
LEO SOWERBY: Carillon [1917]. ROBERT EDWARD SMITH: Partita [1976] –Lee Afdahl (1998 Casavant Frères/First Presbyterian, Rochester, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded 2, 1999
JOHN LaMONTAINE: Even Song. HORATIO PARKER: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat. CHARLES IVES: Variations on America –Mary Preston (1992 C.B. Fisk/Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX) Pipedreams Archive recorded 7, 1998
These performances were recorded for PIPEDREAMS broadcast and, unfortunately, are not available commercially, though they should be.