Ancient Delights #0024
The old tunes have their charm, and the old instruments, too, as we revisit the beginnings of organ music; play on pipes that have been singing persuasively for four, five, and six hundred years; and remember that the matter of age directly relates to attitude. This week on Pipedreams you’ll hear instruments dating from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries - instruments from Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands - including the oldest in the world, still going strong.
ANDREA GABRIELI: Toccata on the 5th Tone. GIOVANNI GABRIELI: Canzona Number 12 –Liuwe Tamminga (1475 da Prato/Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) and Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini (1596 Malamini/Basilica of San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) Tactus CD-510001
CONRAD PAUMANN: Mit ganzem Willen. PAUL HOFHAIMER: O dulcis Maria. HANS KOTTER: Uns tiefer Not –Albert Bolliger (1390 Anonymous/Basilica of Valere, Sion, Switzerland) Sinus CD-4002
PAUL HOFHAIMER: Recordare –Herbert Tachezi (1558 Ebert/Hofkirche, Innsbruck, Austria) Teldec CD-844066
JEAN TITELOUZE: Verses on Veni Creator Spiritus –Sylvain Ciaravolo (1676 Joyeuse/Rodez Cathedral, France) ADDA CD-581305
SUSANNE VAN SOLDT MANUSCRIPT: Psalm 23; Alamande de symmerman; Susanna vung jour. BERNHARD SCHMID: Wie schön blüht der Maie –Pieter van Dijk (16th c. Anonymous/Reformed Church, Oosthuizen, The Netherlands) Emergo CD-3995
ANONYMOUS: Trompeter Auffzug. RADEK: Canzona. ANONYMOUS: Engelendische Nachtigall –Per Kynne Frandsen (1610 Compenius/Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Hillerød, Denmark) DaCapo 8.224057
SAMUEL SCHEIDT: Variations on a Dutch Folksong, Ach, du feiner Reiter, –Stef Tuinstra (1651 Faber/Jacobuskerk, Zeerijp, The Netherlands) Coronata CD-1217
ANTONIO VALENTE: La Romanesca. ANTOIO de CABEZON: Dic nobis Maria. ANTONIO VALENTE: Lo Ballo dell’Intorcia –Frederic Munoz (1984 Leclerc/Parish Church, Terraube, France) XCP CD-5002
JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCK: Hexachord Fantasy –Gustav Leonhardt (1971 Metzler/Grotekerk [St. Jacob], Den Haag, The Netherlands) Deutsche Harmonia Mundi DHM-77148