For Two to Play #0131
If one is good, two is better or so it would seem on our next Pipedreams broadcast when we explore the remarkable and charming repertoire of organ duets. Whether together at one keyboard or tossing musical messages back and forth between opposing galleries, these selections do prove that you double your pleasure when two organists perform together. When four hands and four feet are set loose at the console, opportunities abound for sonorous and sensuous surprise. Artists include Anthony and Mary Jane Newman, Joseph and Phoebe Payne, Hans Fagius and David Sanger, and Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault, on instruments in Bologna, Boston, Munich, Mount Kisco, and Roswell, Georgia… music by Frescobaldi, Wesley, Daniel Pinkham, Bruce Neswick, Jean Langlais, and Myron Roberts. It’s a new world of experience, music For Two to Play, this week on Pipedreams.
AURELIO BONELLI: Toccata Cleopatra. GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI: Canzona a due organi –Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini & Liewe Tamminga (1475 da Prato/Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) & (1596 Malamini/Basilica of San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) Tactus CD-460001
MYRON ROBERTS: Fanfare & Tuckets –Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault (1989 Möller/Roswell UMC, Roswell, GA) Gothic G49043
JOHANN CHRISTOPH KELLNER: Quartetto in E-flat. ADOLF HESSE: Fantasie in c, Opus 35 –Hans Fagius & David Sanger (1981 Akerman & Lund/Österhaninge Church, Sweden) BIS-CD-273
BRUCE NESWICK: Variations on Langham –Bruce Neswick & Brian Carson (1991 Richards, Fowkes/St. Barnabas Episcopal, Greenwich, CT) Raven OAR-240
JOHANN GEORG ALBRECHTSBERGER: Prelude & Fugue in C –Joseph and Phoebe Payne (1989 Noack/Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Boston, MA) Naxos 8.550964
DANIEL PINKHAM: Requiem Collects –Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault (1989 Möller/Roswell UMC, Roswell, GA) Gothic G49043
PIAZZA: Sonata in D. ADRIANO BANCHIERI: Canzona alla Francese, La Carissima –Luigi Celeghin & Istvan Ella (1757 Nacchini & 1785 Callido/Basilica Lateranense di Maria SS. Della Misericordia, Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Italy) Hungaroton CD-31464
SAMUEL SEBASTIAN WESLEY: 3 Duets for Eliza –Anthony Newman & Mary Jane Newman (Berkshire; 1993 Russell additions/Mount Kisco Presbyterian, Mount Kisco, NY) Becker CD-940
JEAN LANGLAIS: Double Fantasie –Elisabeth Sperer & Winfried Englhardt (1977 Mühleisen/St. Boniface Church, Munich, Germany) FSM CD-91106
JOHN PHILIP SOUSA: The Stars and Stripes Forever –Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault, organ; Gothic G49043
This program was originally issued as #9445 in November 1994.