1981 Nordlie organ from the Brandon Lutheran Church, Brandon, S.D.
1981 Nordlie organ from the Brandon Lutheran Church, Brandon, S.D.
John Nordlie

The American Muse #0216

We’ve a sampler of somewhat unusual and extraordinarly characterful music on our next Pipedreams program, compositions AND instruments by Americans, including James Woodman’s Lydian Versets, played on the John Nordlie organ at the Lutheran Church in Brandon, South Dakota. We’ll hear other pieces by Dan Locklair, Robert Elmore, Richard Purvis, and Philip Glass, played in Stamford, Connecticut, Collegedale, Tennessee, Portland, Oregon, and San Diego, plus we’ll visit the grand old Granad Theatre in Kansas City for some snappy show tunes from yesterday and the day before. Something’s got to give, when we break through maddining misperceptions and expose the pipe organ for what it really always is a marvelously magical music-making machine, playing everything from prayers to pops. We honor a nation of organbuilders and composers and celebrate The American Muse this week on Pipedreams.

DAN LOCKLAIR: Rubrics from A Liturgical SuiteMarilyn Keiser (1991 Visser-Rowland/First Presbyterian, Stamford, CT) Pro Organo CD 7025

ROBERT ELMORE: Triad for Organ [1943] –Robert Plimpton (1915 Austin/Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA) Spreckels Organ Society CD-4

RICHARD PURVIS: Fetes Joyeux and Tarantella-Valsante, from Symphonic Suite for Three Organs –Donna Parker, Jonas Nordwall, Tom Hazleton (Wurlitzer/Organ Grinder Pizza, Portland, OR); (1957 Wicks/FUMC, Portland, OR); and three different Rodgers Electronic Instruments. Trio Con Brio CD-33301

COLE PORTER: Love for Sale. LEONARD BERNSTEIN: Somewhere, from West Side Story. JOHNNY MERCER: Something’s gotta give –Chris Gorsuch (1929 Barton/Granada Theatre, Kansas City, KS) P&P Productions 619

JAMES WOODMAN: 4 Versets & Canzona, LydianPeter Sykes (1981 Nordlie/Brandon Lutheran, Brandon, SD) Titanic CD-181

WILL MacFARLANE: Reverie. ROBERT ELMORE: Pavan, from Ryhtymic Suite –Clay Christiansen (1948 Aeolian-Skinner/Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, UT) Klavier K 11044

PHILIP GLASS: Satyagraha Finale –Donald Joyce (1986 Brombaugh/Collegedale Church of Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN) Catalyst CD-61825

Filler –RICHARD WAYNE DIRKSEN: Cantilene; Pipedreams PD 1003


This program was originally issued as #9526 in June 1995.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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