1863 Hill; 1903; 1960 Walker; 1993 Coffin organ at York Minster
1863 Hill; 1903; 1960 Walker; 1993 Coffin organ at York Minster

Windows of Opportunity #0303

The sound of music creates a sense of place, but on this week’s show we fill that place with images and colors through works inspired by stained glass windows in churches and cathedrals. From the Rose Windows at the Sacred Heart Basilica in Paris, or the Church of Saint Ouen in Rouen expressed through works of Henri Mulet and Marcel Dupré, to the picturesque Tiffany windows at First Presbyterian, Topeka, Kansas, and some movements commissioned on their behalf from composer Dan Locklair, you’ll be amazed at the juxtaposition of these art forms. See the light and hear the colors - organ works on pictoral themes - as they resonate through Windows of Opportunity.

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Cathedral Windows, Opus 106: Number 1, Kyrie Eleison; Number 2, Ave Maria; Number 4, Adeste Fidelis; Number 6, Lauda SionJohn Scott Whiteley (1863 Hill; 1903; 1960 Walker; 1993 Coffin/York Minster, England, UK) Priory PRCD903

DAN LOCKLAIR: Windows of Comfort, selections: Trinity’s Shield; As the hart panteth; Bless the Child; Christ’s AscensionMarie Rubis Bauer (1935; 1985 Möller/First Presbyterian, Topeka, KS) Recital Recordings CD-9802

HENRI MULET: 2 Byzantine Sketches: Number 2, Vitrail; Number 3, RosaceThomas Murray (1990 Austin/National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA) Arkay AR6111

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Le Vitrail de Saint Ouen, Opus 65 –Janette Fishell (1986 Casavant Frères/St. George Episcopal, Nashville, TN) Naxos 8.553919

PHILIP WILBY: Lincoln Windows, selections –Choir of Lincoln College, Oxford, Tom Lydon, conductor; Philip Smith (1994 Walker/Exeter College Chapel, Oxford, England, UK) Guild GMCD 7236

PETR EBEN: Okna/The Chagall Windows
Number 1, The Blue WindowBernhard Kratzer, trumpet; Martin Sander (1983 Sandtner/Cathedral of Our Lady, Villingen, Germany) Fermate CD-20008
Number 2, The Green WindowGuy Touvron, trumpet; Edgar Krapp (Saint Moritz Church, Coburg, Germany) RCA CD-61186
Number 3, The Red Window –Craig Parker, trumpet; Robert Edwards (1978 Schantz/Grace Cathedral, Topeka, KS) Arnold CD-96263
Number 4, The Gold Window –Rudolf Lodenkemper, trumpet; Sieglinde Ahrens (Klais/St. Katharina Church, Oberhausen-Lirich, Germany) Multisonic CD-310098

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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