1998 Glatter-Götz, Rosales organ at the United Church of Christ, Claremont, CA
1998 Glatter-Götz, Rosales organ at the United Church of Christ, Claremont, CA

The American Muse #0349

Rather than fugues and canzonas, try a Pastorale Dance or a March with trumpet. On this week’s show, we temper European tradition with the iconoclastic visions of some composers here at in the U.S. Lukas Foss writes a celebratory choral work for a new church, Lee Hoiby sketches impressions of his California homeland, and Daniel Gawthrop has us kicking up our heals in rhythmic response. Beyond toccatas and tientos, we bring our focus closer to home and celebrate The American Muse.

SETH BINGHAM: Toccata on Leoni. FREDERICK SWANN: 2 Hymn Encores: Amazing Grace; Saint AnneFrederick Swann (1964 Aeolian-Skinner/Central Union Church, Honolulu, HI) Gothic G49100

LEE HOIBY: Rock Valley Narrative, Opus 50 –Diane Meredith Belcher (1998 Glatter-Götz; Rosales/Claremont UCC, Claremont, CA) JAV CD-115

WALTER HILSE: Fugue in G –Walter Hilse (1938 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Paul Chapel, Columbia University, New York, NY) JAV CD-103

ANTHONY NEWMAN: Prelude & Fugue in G –Anthony Newman (1995 Russell/St. Matthew Episcopal, Bedford, NY) Albany TROY357

LARRY KING: Revelations of Saint John the DivineCherry Rhodes (1953 Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside, New York, NY) JAV CD-112

NOËL GOEMANNE: March –Ian Pearson, trumpet; Ted Gentry (1992 Reuter/Centenary UMC, Lexington, KY) Americus CD-1006

ANDREW CLARKE: Pastoral Dance on Simple GiftsJames Welch (1996 Eule/St. Nikolai Church, Berlin-Spandau, Germany) Querstand CD-9823

LUKAS FOSS: Behold! I build an houseGregg Smith Singers, Gregg Smith, conductor; Thomas Schmidt (1987 Rieger/Holy Trinity Episcopal, New York, NY) CRI SD-880

VIRGIL THOMSON: Variations on a Sunday School Tune, Shall we gather at the river DANIEL GAWTHROP: Allegro RitmicoLynn Zeigler (1987 Brombaugh/Iowa State University, Ames, IA) Calcante CD-026



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