Reed My Lips #0408
It bides its time mostly on the sidelines, yet the humble harmonium has a story of its own. Before compact digital keyboards and synthesizers, the reed organ provided efficient accompaniment for worship and a colorful resource for entertainment in the home. It even had some moments of glory on the concert stage. This is not your grandmothers Estey but an unsung marvel with magic to share. Reed My Lips…music for the harmonium.
LOUIS VIERNE: Carillon de Longpont, Number 21, from Pieces de Fantasie, Opus 31 –Jennifer Bate (1979 Danion-Gonzalez/Cathédrale, Beauvais, France) Unicorn-Kanchana 9064
CÉSAR FRANCK: Sortie in D –Joris Verdin (1865 Alexandre harmonium) Ricercare 075057
JACQUES-NICOLAS LEMMENS: Invocation [1864] –Joris Verdin (1891 Mustel harmonium) Ricercar 206252
LOUIS-JAMES-ALFRED LEFÉBURE-WÉLY: Air de Ballet, from Suite Number 1 for Harmonium –Jorid Verdin (1880 Debain harmonicorde) Ricercare 163147
LOUIS VIERNE: Cortege, Number 2, from Pieces de Fantasie, Opus 31 –Jacques Made (1868 Cavaillé-Coll/Église Saint-Joseph, Marseille, France) Chamade CD-5651/2
JACK SEGAL: When Sonny gets blue –Sam Grossner (1855 Prince melodeon) Melodeon CD-2003
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Fantasy & Fuguye in D, Opus 39 –Johannes Matthias Michel (1913 Mustel harmonium) cpo 999 522
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Dialog, Opus 35, number 1 from Poesien –Ernst Breidenbach, piano; Johannes Matthias Michel (1913 Mustel kunstharmonium) Signum 7700
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Evocatio, Opus 9, number 5 from 5 Miniaturen –Johannes Matthias Michel (1913 Mustel) cpo 999 611
WILLIAM HENRY MONK: Hymn, Abide with me –Lydia Heed (Estey reed organ/Becker UMC, Becker, MN)
GIOACCHINO ROSSINI: Petite Messe Solennelle, selections –RIAS Chamber Choir, Marcus Creed, conductor; Philip Mayers, Phillip Moll, piano; Ryoko Morooka (1869 Debain harmonium) Harmonia Mundi CD-901724
ALEXANDRE GUILMANT (transcribed by Toby): Allegretto in b –Kurt Lueders (Mustel harmonium) Euromuses CD-2022
LOUIS VIERNE: Postlude, Number 24, from Pieces en Style Libre, Opus 31 –Jacques Boucher (1885 Cavaillé-Coll/Abbatiale de Saint-Sever, France) REM CD-311244