1991 Reiger organ at Saint Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Austria
1991 Reiger organ at Saint Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Austria
Photo–Richard Rasch

More Variations #0529

Music from four centuries in which a single ‘good idea’ generates multiple perspectives on a theme.

J.S. BACH: Partita, Christ, der du bist der helle Tag, S. 766 –Kevin Bowyer (1962; 1987 Marcussen & Søn/St. Hans Church, Odense, Denmark) Nimbus NI 5689/90

ADOLF HESSE: Introduction, Theme and Variations in A, Opus 47 –Josef Eich (1772 Stumm/Parish Church, Hillesheim, Germany) Aeolus AE20161

J.S. BACH: Partita, Ach, was soll ich Sünder machenCalvin Bowman (1980 Ahrend/Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia) Priory PRCD662

JEAN GUILLOU: 18 Variations [1963] –Keith John (1996 Rieger/Fuldaer Dom, Fulda, Germany) Priory PRCD774

SAMUEL SCHEIDT: Variations, Also gehts also stehtsKevin Komisaruk (1991 Wolff/Knox College Chapel, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada) ATMA ACD2317

ROBERT FUCHS: Variations & Fugue on an Original Theme [1909] –Peter Planyavsky (1991 Reiger/Cathedral of Saint Stephan, Vienna, Austria) Motette CD MOT 12691

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