On Peachtree Road #0541
A large new instrument by Mander Organs of England brings resplendent opportunity to a prospering United Methodist congregation in Atlanta, Georgia.
CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD: Magnificat, from Evening Service in C
HERBERT HOWELLS: Master Tallis’s Testament, from Six Pieces
CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Final, from Symphony Number 8, Opus 42, number 4
RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune
CHARLES TOURNEMIRE: Petite rhapsodie improvisée
WILLIAM BOLCOM: Gospel Prelude, Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, Book 4, number 1
LEO NESTOR: Come, thou fount of every blessing, from An American Triptych
FELA SOWANDE: Joshua fit de battle ob Jericho
STEPHEN PAULUS: Concerto for Organ, Orchestra and Chorus, premiere
Solo organ selections were played by guest recitalists Olivier Latry; recorded January 12, 2003 and Huw Williams playing Howells and Widor, recorded May 6 2003, and resident musician Michael Shake playing Bolcom, Sowande and the choral accompaniments, recorded October 12, 2003. Peachtree Road UMC Music Director Scott H. Atchison was soloist in the Paulus Concerto. Members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra were conducted by Robert Spano; recorded November 10, 2002