Just a Little (From) Hungary #0546
A visit with recitalist István Ruppert from Budapest, who introduces some intriguing but little-known music from his homeland.
FRIGYES HIDAS [born 1928]: Toccata, from Sonata for Organ [1956] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 25, 2004
BRASSAI CRONER [17th century]: Magnificat Verses, 8th tone (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 25, 2004
ZOLTÁN KODÁLY [1883-1967]: Epigrams [1930] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 25, 2004
ISTVÁN KOLOSS [born 1932]: Lullaby, from Partita Number 1 [1957] (1990 Aquincum/Holy Ghost Church, Györ, Hungary) Do-La Studio 073
ISTVÁN KOLOSS: Organ Concerto [1981] (1990 Aquincum/Holy Ghost Church, Györ, Hungary) Do-La Studio 175
ZSOLT GÁRDONYI [born 1946]: Mozart Changes [1995] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 25, 2004
ZSOLT GÁRDONYI: Fantasy on a Hungarian Thanksgiving Song [1987] –Labiale Trombone Ensemble (1990 Aquincum/Holy Ghost Church, Györ, Hungary) Do-La Studio 073
ISTVÁN KOLOSS: Organ Sonata Number 2 [1968] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 25, 2004