1565 de Swart; 1637 van Hagerbeer organ at Hooglandse Kerk, Leiden, The Netherlands
1565 de Swart; 1637 van Hagerbeer organ at Hooglandse Kerk, Leiden, The Netherlands
Photo–Richard Rasch

Getting Folksy #0624

Everybody loves a familiar tune, and these composers take advantage of some popular melodies from diverse cultures.

JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCK: Variations on Oest-ce MarsBernard Winsemius (1651 van Hagerbeer/Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) InterSound 1006

ARTHUR WILLS: Variations on Amazing GraceKevin Bowyer (1933 Hill, Norman & Beard/Royal Hospital School Chapel, Hollbrook, Suffolk, England, UK) Regis CD-8104

FRANZ LEHRNDORFER: Improvisation on Sagt an, wer ist doch dieseFranz Lehrndorfer (1994 Georg Jann/Frauenkirche, Munich, Germany) Celestial Harmonies CD-13109

PAUL HINDEMITH: Organ Sonata Number 3, on folksong themes –David F. Oliver (1992 Ontko & Young/First Scots Presbyterian, Charleston, SC) FSPC CD-12422

JOSEPH CLOKEY: Fantasy on a Mountain Song, He’s gone awayJanet Hamilton (1942 Aeolian-Skinner/St. John Presbyterian, New Albany, IN) JHIUS CD-2002

JEAN LANGLAIS: Cantique, from Suite Folklorique –Andrea Ar Gouilh, voice; Jacques Kauffmann (1884 Cavaillé-Coll/Eglise Sainte-Croix, Saint-Malo, France) Skarbo 1973

JEAN LANGLAIS: Chants de Bretagne: Number 1, Le Paradis; Number 2, Disons le chapelet; Number 6, Jesus nous dit de prier; Number 8, Pensez a l’eterniteJean Langlais (1868 Cavaillé-Coll/Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France) Solstice CD-165

HANS UWE HIELSCHER: Three American Folksongs: Amazing Grace; Somebody’s knockin’ at your door; Deep RiverHans Uwe Hielscher (1919 Hill, Norman & Beard/Dunedin Town Hall, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand) Organ CD ORG7211



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