The 1911 Foster & Andrews/Hull City Hall, England.
The 1911 Foster & Andrews/Hull City Hall, England.
David White

Archive of Song of Sunshine #0629

A visit with the remarkable young blind British organist David Aprahamian Liddle.

ALFRED HOLLINS: Grand Choeur Number 1 in g; Song of Sunshine; Theme, Variations and Fugue in E –David Aprahamian Liddle (1911 Foster & Andrews/City Hall, Hull, England. UK) Priory PRCD398

FREDERICK HERBERT WOOD: Scenes in KentDavid Aprahamian Liddle (1974 Casavant Frères/Hamline UMC, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 2, 1995

DAVID APRAHAMIAN LIDDLE: Ballade Number 1, Opus 2 –David Aprahamian Liddle (1981 Petty-Madden/Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, NJ) DTR CD-8607

PERCY WHITLOCK: Scherzo. DAVID APRAHAMIAN LIDDLE: English Organ Mass, after John Merbecke –with alto Ann Moser, David Aprahamian Liddle (1974 Casavant Frères/Hamline UMC, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 2, 1994

ALFRED HOLLINS: Concert Overture Number 3 in f –David Aprahamian Liddle (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 15, 1994


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