This single manual organ is typical of those heard on this weeks’ show.
This single manual organ is typical of those heard on this weeks’ show.

One at a Time #0733

…a reminder that bigger is not necessarily better, and that the efficient, one-manual pipe organ s rich in charm and character.

JOHANN CASPAR FERDINAND FISCHER: Preludes, Fugues & Ricercari, selected –Serge Schoonbroodt (1714 König/St. Leodegar Monastery, Niederehe, Germany) Aeolus AE10321

ANONYMOUS: My Lady Careys Dompe. JOHN REDFORD: Lucem tuam –Christopher Stembridge (1751 Nacchini/Church of the Ospedaletto, Venice, Italy) Quilisma QUIL302

ANONYMOUS 16th century: Ungarescha. FRANCESCO BENDUSI: 2 Dances. CLAUDE GERVAISE: Branles –Kalevi Kiviniemi (1589 Meyer/Wilhelmsburg Castel Church, Schmalkalden, Germany) Fuga 9140

SIETZE de VRIES: Improvisations on Lobt Gott den Herrn –Sietze de Vries (1992 Edskes/St. Verena Chapel, Zugerberg, Germany) BESV CD-1.2000

GIOVANNI BERNARDO ZUCCHINETTI: Concerto in Bb for Two Organs –Hadrien Jourdan, Jean-Christophe Leclere (1757 Nacchini & 1785 Callido/Basilica Lateranense di Maria SS. Della Misericordia, Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Italy) Syrius CD-114312

JOSEPH AHRENS: Concertino for Positive Organ [1950] –Sieglinde Ahrens (1972 Klais/Nativity of Mary Church, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) Christophorus CHR 77122

GEORG CHRISTOPH WAGENSEIL: Allegro assai, from Divertimento in C, Opus 1, number 2 –Roland Götz (1705 Anonymous/Fischerkirche, Rust-am-See, Germany). FERDINAND RICHTER: Suite Number 3 in F; Courente, Allemande, PassacagliaRoland Götz (1766 Roth/St. Nikolaus Church, Purbach am Neusiedler See, Austria) FSM CD-96512/3

CÉSAR FRANCK: 3 Pieces in C, from L’Organiste –Susanne Mossmann (2000 Vier/Lutherkirche, Karlsruhe, Germany) Christoph Herr CD-30.008

GEORG BÖHM: Capriccio in D –William Porter (1785 Schiörlin/Parish Church, Tryserum, Sweden) Loft LRCD-1085


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